Created by Michael Gordon – the original founder of Bumble & Bumble – and inspired by his four daughters, this luxurious, limited edition treatment is designed to refresh, revive, and polish your locks while imparting a beautiful scent of damask rose. Crafted with an ultra-lightweight blend of oils, it nourishes each strand while helping control static and smooth split ends. The result? Touchably soft, shiny hair that is delicately fragranced.
Created by Michael Gordon – the original founder of Bumble & Bumble – and inspired by his four daughters, this luxurious, limited edition treatment is designed to refresh, revive, and polish your locks while imparting a beautiful scent of damask rose. Crafted with an ultra-lightweight blend of oils, it nourishes each strand while helping control static and smooth split ends. The result? Touchably soft, shiny hair that is delicately fragranced.
* 0.85 oz.